“This Confirms the Sacredness of the Work We Do.”

This confirms the sacredness of the work we do.”
-Dr. Laura Meyers, President/ CEO of Planned Parenthood Metropolitan Washington
Earlier this month, over 20 leaders from various religions came together to “bless” the new Planned Parenthood Mega Center in Washington D.C. Among these were Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and more. While it’s not shocking to hear about people of various religions referring to abortion as a “necessary evil”, hearing of Christian leaders coming together to ask for God’s blessing on a place that is brutally killing His children is absolutely revolting.

These pastors and priests remind me of the Cretans, of whom Paul said to Titus, “They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works.” Even though they claim to have a deep, personal relationship with Christ, they blatantly work against Him, going as far as to request a blessing on something that actively disobeys the seventh commandment.

 I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that this happened just before Trump’s inauguration and the National March for Life. They know that they are on the verge of losing their taxpayer funding and that they’ve used the last of their “Get Out of Jail Free” cards. I think that they’re scared and rightfully so.
 In just a few days, our team will be heading out to D.C. for 11 days of activism. We’ll be hitting the streets equipped to show the truth of abortion at the Inauguration, the Women’s March on Washington, and the March for Life.

Planned Parenthood is panicking, but that means nothing if we don’t keep putting the same pressure on them. We need to work towards educating everyone who claims to stand for life, Trump included, so that they know exactly what it is that they are fighting for, and to realize that 44 years of marching through the capital is not enough. We must do more.

Please be praying for our team as we prepare for the major events we have coming up. Pray for our safety, effectiveness, for those that we encounter, that they see the truth of abortion, and most importantly, that babies lives will be saved through this. Thank you so much and God bless!

In Christ,
Emma Mysko
