Life in the Dominican Republic

While walking though the sugar cane villages in the Dominican Republic earlier this month, I was taken aback by two things. First, the absolute squalor these families lived in. Families of nearly ten were living in 9x9 shacks made of scrap metal haphazardly nailed together, the little boys and girls ran around wearing whatever clothes were available or nothing at all, stray dogs and chickens roamed the dirt paths, the fathers spent their days working in the fields, and the mothers spent their days cooking and cleaning. Second, I was shocked by the absolute joy and freely given love that the children had to offer. Even though we couldn’t speak the same language, all these kids wanted was someone to hold their hand and give them hugs and kisses. Despite having virtually nothing, coming from broken families, and facing every difficulty one could imagine that comes with living in a third-world country, these little ones were some of the most loving and happy people I’ve ever met.
Immediately when we walked into the classroom and again after getting off the bus on our first day in the batey, we were swarmed by children of all ages wanting to give us hugs, to be held, and to play and worship with us. The language barriers didn’t matter; the economic differences didn’t matter; these little ones were just like any other child anywhere else in the world.
While reflecting on my trip on the flight back, I realized that if these bateys had been in America, there would be an abortion facility in every single village. Because these families live differently and much more difficultly than we’re used to in America, they would be told that the best thing they could do for themselves is end their child’s life. It wouldn’t matter how happy they are, how loved they are, or how full their lives are- to the abortion industry, these children would be prime targets.
My time in the Dominican Republic really opened my eyes and renewed my passion for this fight, but it also reminded me that this issue is more than just abortion. This is a battle for the Kingdom of God, it’s a call to live out our faith through our actions and not just our words, to love all with the love God has for us. Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

Emmarsyn Mysko

P.S. If you’re interested in learning about the missionary team I spent the week with, go to If you’re interested in supporting me, you can donate online at
(Photos of my time in the D.R., my nephew, Lliam, born on July 1, and me presenting at a Michigan church.)
